Is there a cost to participate in the production?

Yes. Though we wish we could produce our shows solely on our ticket sales, RCT requires all cast members to pay a participation fee to offset the cost of the production such as royalty fees, costume, set and prop expenses, etc. Some of our shows have significant, increasing royalty fees — meaning the cost to simply use the script. Your fees help us put on these productions. This is especially the case for larger musicals. Our fee schedule is as follows:

2021 RCT Musicals and Plays
$35 for all Cast Members

When do I pay my participation fee?

All participation fees are paid once you are casted.

When do I get my script?

In order to receive a script, participants are required to pay a $25 refundable deposit. The deposit should be paid in the form of a check; payable to RCT. Deposit checks will be returned, un-cashed, upon return of the script in good condition prior to closing night. Deposit checks will be cashed in the event the script is lost or damaged.

What if I have more than one family member in the production, do you offer discounts?

RCT provides opportunities for all family and community members to participate by keeping it's participation fees low. There are no additional discounts. We do offer scholarships for those with financial difficulties. For additional information please email us at

If I drop out of a show can my participation fees be refunded?

As of August 2019, all fees are NON-REFUNDABLE if you drop out of the show once the show has been cast. If we are unable to use you in a production and you are not cast, we will refund your fees within 2-3 weeks of the cast posting.

Do cast members receive any free comp tickets for their families?

Unfortunately, no. RCT tries to keep all ticket prices affordable for all families and community members.

Do I need to sign up for an audition?

Unless otherwise posted, all auditions need to be reserved online in advance to avoid long lines.

What should I bring to my audition?

Please bring a small photo of yourself and staple it to your audition sheet. This does NOT need to be a professional head-shot, a snapshot will do.

Will I need to sing at my audition?

If the production is a musical or we indicate the need, YES! Be prepared to sing 16 bars of a song. Bring sheet music and your own accompanist. We will accept instrumental Karaoke CD's but only if they do not have back-up singers. You may also sing acapella. For additional information about song choice or style for your audition, please check the “Auditions” tab for current information.

Will I have to read anything at my audition?

Unless the show does not call for any speaking parts, then yes! Our directors use a “cold read” style audition. You will be provided a section of script, and asked to read. Some auditions will require the script reading at callbacks only.

Will I need to dance at my audition?

Yes if the production requires dancing and/or you are auditioning to be a dancer. A choreographer will teach you some simple dance steps.

What should I wear to auditions and/or rehearsals?

Wear comfortable clothing and appropriate shoes. NO flip-flops, please!

How old is the cast?

RCT productions are for both adults and children unless we are producing a Children's Theatre Camp or Children's Production. We accept children beginning at the age of 8 years. Occasionally, we will accept children younger than 8 depending upon the needs of the cast. This will be posted in the audition materials on our website.

Will my costume be supplied by RCT?

RCT only has a set number of costumes. In some instances a cast member may receive a complete costume. But most cast members will be given a piece or two of their costume with the understanding that they will need to come up with the rest of their costume or their entire costume. Local costume resources are also available through BYUI Costume Department and Madison High School Theatre Department.

What is RCT's electronic policy?

We ask that all cast members POWER OFF upon arrival all electronic devices. Leaving distractions out of rehearsals and performances is key. This is especially true for all children who are cast.

How often do we have rehearsals each week?

Each production is different. But a good rule of thumb is to plan on rehearsing 3-4 times each week. In the beginning a show will usually rehearse on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. As we get closer to production we increase the number of rehearsals to include Fridays and an occasional Saturday. This can differ by show, however. Cast members will only be required to be at rehearsals for scenes they are in. All rehearsals will be sent to cast members on their email accounts. Rehearsals can change each week so it is important to check your emails frequently.

What if I have a conflict and can't make a rehearsal?

If you know you are going to have a conflict that will affect attending rehearsals you will need to write that date and conflict down on your audition form. The number of rehearsals you will be unable to attend will affect your cast assignment. Those being considered for a lead will be passed over if rehearsals cannot be attended due to vacations, camps, church activities, family reunions, etc. Everyone has to make sacrifices. No one can do it all and do it well. In addition, if you have already been cast and find that you cannot make a rehearsal due to illness or an emergency, you should contact the stage manager right away.

Can family members or friends observe rehearsals?

No. All of our rehearsals are closed. We ask that parents and friends refrain from asking to observe until the final performances. This is especially true for dress rehearsals. Royalty rights prohibit anyone from viewing rehearsals.

What if I don't get cast, can I still get involved?

Absolutely! RCT is a volunteer organization and we need help! Please send an email to and just let us know. There is a ton to do, whether its set building, painting, or working behind the name it.

I still have questions, how can I ask them?

No problem, email your questions to